Success Stories - Ruben Raat

Before After 10

Ruben was referred to us by his friend and work colleague in Linkedin, Vincent Onderdelinden, who had been training with us for over a year at that stage and was seeing unbelievable changes. Ruben could see for himself the amazing results Vinny had been achieving and wanted to start his own journey. Like Vinny, Ruben achieved phenomenal results dropping 14kgs and 20% body fat all while balancing a hectic work schedule and trips away.

He has now established a new, sustainable and balanced way to live which serves his physical and mental health. Ruben has since moved back to the Netherlands but continually stays in touch and remains a satellite client. He was the kind of client who got stuck in, said nothing and questioned everything, which I have to say I love.

His knowledge base grew exponentially over the course of the six months he trained with me in the CMB Gym and he has the amazing results to show from it!


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