Success Stories - David Byrne

Before After 6

Dave came into us looking too completely overhaul his life, body and mind. At the tender age of 58 many have the impression that its just too late to do anything. Well, it’s never too late to make the change, it just takes a lot of determination, dedication and a willingness to succeed.

Dave was extremely overweight, suffering with hypertension and on the verge of a heart attack. We started off with bodyweight work, mobility and slowly built up to moving some external weight with low frequency and lower volume. As Dave grew stronger we increased the frequency and volume of his training along with stagnating his Kcals to bring him into an overall deficit for the week.

As you can clearly see for yourself he got into the best shape of his life and never felt better, hypertension gone, blood pressure reduced and the threat of heart disease & diabetes gone.


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