Success Stories - Stephen Byrne

Stephen Byrne Before and After

Radio, television, and internet personality Stephen Byrne's fitness journey at CMB Gym has proven to be a transformative experience, aligning perfectly with his dynamic lifestyle. Starting his career on YouTube and transitioning to a celebrated presenter for RTÉ, Stephen has always embraced new challenges with vigor, a trait clearly reflected in his approach to fitness.

Under the 1:1 coaching at CMB Gym, Stephen achieved remarkable improvements across various aspects of his health and fitness. His success is credit to CMB's approach to training — where we take a holistic approach to improving life both inside and outside the gym. Of corse, Stephen lost fat and gained lean muscle. But his quality of life improvements exceeded standard benchmarks associated with a gym. For example, his sleep drastically improved, and the once restless sleeper found himself falling asleep within 10 minutes. Soon he was consistently achieve 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.

The focused exercise regimen at CMB not only enhanced his strength but also perfected his execution of each move, contributing significantly to his physical gains. Importantly, the dietary guidance provided helped him maintain a calorie surplus, essential for building lean muscle.

Stephen's results — evident in his more sculpted physique — speak volumes of the tailored approach CMB Gym offers. His journey underscores the effectiveness of combining personalized training and nutrition, paving the way for even greater achievements in the future. As Stephen prepares to push harder in the next phase of his training, his story serves as an inspiration and a testament to the life-changing benefits of dedicated fitness coaching.


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